Feedback from Jeffrey Allen (LA vocal teacher) on “I’ve grown accustomed to her face” video

Just listened/watched your face book video. My goodness how wonderful you and your sister (was that Dorcas on piano) sound together. Your voice and your attention to the emotional elements of song have really grown in power and subtlety. I'm glad to hear your hard work has paid off so handsomely. There is great music making going on there. Congratulations!

I hope all of your musical ambitions are fulfilled in 2008.

Jeffrey Allen
Los Angeles

Greetings Matthew Quek, 

I am Mr Subash Lazar, Vice-Principal of St. Gabriel's Secondary School. First and foremost, on behalf of my Principal, Mr Marcel Lee 
and myself, I must congratulate you on an immaculate performance tonight at the farewell dinner of Dr Ng Eng Hen, at Shangrila Hotel. I am specially sending out this e-mail to you to congratulate you on the special talent you possess. We at St.Gabriel's appreciate talent and we are always quick to acknowledge and let our appreciation be known quickly and effectively. 

Your song really inspired me and that is why I am personally sending you this e-mail to congratulate you and send you my warmest regards on behalf of my Principal too. If you need any assistance in the near future, remember you now have 2 more well-wishers/friends in St. Gabriel's Secondary. Wishing you all the best in your teaching career.     
Yours Sincerely,
Subash Lazar.
Vice-Principal / St.Gabriel's Sec School.

dear brother,
i just hear your video clip of "The Lord's Prayer" and you were amazing.  I couldnt be more proud than I am right now.  You are fantastic.  I would love to catch up with you sometime.

brett manning
p.s. your mix sounds right on.

Hey Matthew... thank you for the songs!!  I love the clarity to your voice, and your interpretation of "All the Way"... superb!  Best of luck with it, and feel free to comment my myspace with a link to your own...www.myspace.com/ultimatevoicetraining 

Billy Purnell

Hi Matthew,

Very nice.  Thanks and congratulations! I really like your approach on, for example, “All The Way” when you sing it lightly in the beginning.  It becomes very intimate and a truthful expression of the words.  Good work!  



Hi Matthew!
Yes, sorry for the late reply...I've been quite busy...
I was just going to  email you in my hotmail. Although, since u emailed me on face book. I decided to reply back to you here. Wow, I am totally truly proud for your new album.:) IT IS AMMAAZZIIINGGG!!!! With a great team and of course a PHENOMENAL artist it turned out to be such a great album

From Janet Kenyon, vocal teacher of Melinda Doolittle (American Idol)

Congratulations!  That is very exciting!  So glad you were able to work it out.  Listened to the samples - very nice!

And thanks for keeping me informed - Stay in touch.

From You Tube viewer “Asalistics” after listening to the album and watching the videos

I wish I had your voice, so I can show the world how nice

That’s what I’m talking about, great rendition, I’m a big fan now

Aw, thank you to for replying once again, I am very amazed at your voice. To be honest, I like it better than Josh Groban. By the way, are going to have any show in California ?

Am a big fan of Joseph the movie, so I thank that I was able to hear the song titled “Better than I” from someone like you , because you sang it differently and wonderfully, so I bow.

From Rani Singgam, local jazz singer

Dear Matthew,

Thank you for your email. It's great to meet you. Thank you for all yourkind words about my work.

Congratulations! It is really exciting to record an album, what more a fifth!!! I have listened to part of the album. You sound fantastic, and yes you picked the perfect person to produce it!! The band is awesome too.I am definitely going to get a copy for myself and will help to promote it
to my friends for sure.

From Jaco Pieterse, vocal teacher)

Dear Matthew,

It certainly sounds if you are doing what you learnt. Diction is good and good voice placement. Continue in this way and your voice will grow into a fine instrument. Congratulations!  Keep in touch and all the best with your singing career.


From Lisa Popeil, Vocal coach from LA
Beautiful singing!  So full of feeling.  I don't have a way to let people hear it outside of my workshops but I'm happy to play it there.  Do you have a YouTube video up? That would be nice!
Take care and stay in touch...

From Jeremy Monteiro, producer of my 5th album “My Romance”
Congrats Matthew! A good review by S.Y. Whang is something to be proud off because he has a very discerning ear and is not afraid to speak his mind. Well done. Sorry I couldn't come for your gig tonight. I was stuck in Johor until close to midnight. Nice trip though. All the best!, Jeremy

(From Brett Manning, internationally renowned vocal teacher from Nashville)
"Wow brother!!! I'm so proud of your development!"
 Massive improvement. You are the THE crooner of ALL Asia!

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